Might we all be trying to find our way home?

Once Upon A Time, a collection of short stories for those trying to find their way home, contains twelve stories which I hope will encourage and inspire, but as the subtitle implies, were written for much more.

Might we all be trying to find our way home? What might that mean, truly?

An internet search of the meaning of “home” found these definitions:

“a safe haven and a comfort zone”1
“where I feel safe, secure, loved and accepted”2
“where I can be me 24/7, where I can be the champion or be insecure and still be cherished.”1

Home is a safe haven and place of refuge . . . from all that is out there in the world?

Home is where we feel safe and secure, loved and accepted . . . when all of that is at risk everywhere else?

Home is where we can be “me” all the time . . . as opposed to whom you pretend to be, or are expected to be, by others outside of home?

And most importantly – home is where you will be cherished, succeed or fail. The world must have stricter standards and cannot be expected to be so understanding.

Quite an incredible contrast, is it not?

On the other hand, maybe this life was never meant to so predictable, safe and secure. Maybe that is only for children, to prepare them for what is coming. Maybe life could never be all it was meant to be without challenge, risk and the possibility of failure.

But what if we somehow got it wrong? What if we were never meant to risk so much, especially our conviction and belief of our worth, if we will be cherished . . . or not?

Maybe we were never meant to leave home where any of this would be in doubt, but somehow we did.

Stay tuned for a well-known story about two brothers that will shed some light on these unusual, but incredibly important, questions.

1 https://www.habitat.org/stories/what-does-home-mean-to-you#:~:text=“Home is a safe haven,can truly just be ourselves.

2 https://www.schlage.com/blog/categories/2020/11/meaning-of-home.html#:~:text=“Home to me is where,happy and full of laughter



Welcome, I'm Sam!

A fellow traveler on this journey we call life and this path we call the Christian faith, wanting to share the incredible things God chose to reveal to me. Stories have always been a mirror in which we can see ourselves, if we only look more closely. We are all like the children of Israel in the wilderness, wanting and needing to establish ourselves in the promised land. Stories can help us to get there, and to flourish there.

I can't wait to get to know you!


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